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Feed items 11 - 19 of 19 for July 2008 Free Python Tutorials

Don't read the manual, read the tutorial.., everything a tutorial.

Lists Part 1 - (Found July 8, 2008 )

Learn about the list value. Ordinary variables hold one value. The list variable can hold multiple values.

Lists Part 2 - (Found July 8, 2008 )

We begin with a list named greek_letters, with the first five Greek letters. We tell the terminal to print the third value with the command greek_letters2, which accesses the third value in the list...

The for Loop - (Found July 8, 2008 )

For loops are like while loops, but for loops give a better way to go through the elements in a list or repeat an argument multiple times...“for”-Loop/28592

Boolean Expressions - (Found July 8, 2008 )

Boolean expressions are expressions that have the values True or False as results.

Dictionaries Part 1 - (Found July 8, 2008 )

A dictionary is a type of list with two parts: keys and values. The keys are used to find values. Keys and values are analogous in a dictionary to words and definitions, or in a phonebook to names and numbers.

Dictionaries Pt. 2, Modules, and File IO. - (Found July 8, 2008 )

...Modules are scripts and such that you can import into the program. They give new functions. I will find and review three modules...

Mod_python Tutorial - (Found July 8, 2008 )

Apache processes requests in phases. A handler is a function that processes a particular phase of a request. Handlers are provided by Apache and by its modules, like mod_python. A number of handlers are available in mod_python. Most of them are low level replacements for Apache handlers but two, Publisher and PSP, are high level and will be covered here.

Programming the OLPC Laptop using Python - (Found July 8, 2008 )

The XO laptop intended (of the One-Laptop-Per-Child initiative) uses GNULinux as the underlying operating system, and includes an application environment written in Python with a human interface called Sugar. Explore the Sugar APIs and learn how to develop and debug a graphical activity in Sugar using Python.

Intro to Python Generators - (Found July 8, 2008 )

Generators are a very cool Python abstraction that allows you to greatly simplify control flow and can also lead to much lower memory consumption.
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