Articles on Voice Technology in Warehouse Management SystemsArticles on Voice Technology in Warehouse Management Systems and Voice Directed Order PickingI can hear you now ...- (Found July 8, 2008 ) I can hear you now As the technology matures and ROI improves, the adoption rate for voice-recognition technology is rising. Logistics Management Grocery wholesaler reduces stock errors to almost zero with voice recognition system ...- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Grocery wholesaler reduces stock errors to almost zero with voice recognition system Grocery wholesaler James Hall has cut costs and administration time by investing a six-figure sum in a voice technology system to help staff pick out orders. Computer Weekly C J Lang leads the way in voice ...- (Found July 8, 2008 ) C J Lang leads the way in voice SPAR distributor, C J Lang & Son, one of the first companies to adopt Voice technology, has found its Accord Voice WMS has "led to dramatic improvements in warehouse productivity and customer serviceexceeding our expectations in all areas" Retail Technology Now Hear This ...- (Found July 8, 2008 ) Now Hear This Karen Berman, Operations and Fulfillment |