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Feed items 1 - 10 of 10 for December 2006

The Muscle Guy

health & fitness served well done...

Allergies and You - December 19, 2006

Although most people think of allergies as a summer ailment, many people suffer from the sniffles in the winter as well. This is due to the onset of colder temperatures, which makes it harder to open up the household windows and air out the dusty carpets and household knick knacks. Allergies symptoms such as watery eyes, ...

How to Create Awareness about Your Site - December 19, 2006

OK, so you have a great website or blog where your share your expertise in health, sports, technology, or whatever it is you are compelled to write about (or perhaps you are selling a new gadget). One of the biggest questions asked is how to get people to your site and interested in what you ...

Make Some $ From Last Years Gifts - December 19, 2006

Its Christmas, which means that you will be getting the newest, shiniest gadget on the market, and likely replacing that one you got last year. Well dont just toss the old one, make a couple bucks off of it on eBay. eBay is the worlds largest online auction site, literally millions of people use it every ...

The Good, Bad and Ugly about Tattoos - December 18, 2006

Tattoos and body art have been around for thousands of years. Western and Eastern cultures have embraced this form of human art as a natural expression of creativity, fashion, and trends of the changing times. If you are considering getting a tattoo, you ma be wondering what exactly you are getting yourself into. Here are ...

Put Some Hair on Your Head - Part II - December 18, 2006

So there is just not enough we can say about hair loss. Alopecia is the medical term for hair loss. Androgenic alopecia is mainly caused by heredity. This is typically what occurs when we think of hair loss, a gradual thinning of hair in certain areas of the scalp. It predominantly affects men, but it ...

What beats low blood pressure and weightloss for longevity - December 18, 2006

According to a recent study by Yale University, people who have a negative outlook on life live fewer years than people how have a positive attitude toward growing older. The Yale study accredited this positive attitude to adding more than seven years to ones life. Lowering blood pressure only adds four years to your life and ...

Educate Yourself on Plastic Surgery - December 18, 2006

Youve probably noticed my recent series on various forms of plastic surgery. While I only touched lightly on the subject, I used the opportunity to encourage you to do much more research on the topic before going under the knife (or having abrasive chemicals poured on your face as with chemical peels). I encourage you to ...

Chemical Peel FAQ - December 18, 2006

What is a chemical peel Well, its name is pretty self-explanatory. The surgeon uses exfoliating chemicals to remove aged or damaged layers of skin which reveals the more youthful and softer skin underneath. The type of chemical used determines how deep and how many layers of skin are removed. What are the risks It makes sense that when ...

Rhinoplasty FAQ - December 18, 2006

What is rhinoplasty Simply put, it is plastic surgery for the nose. What does this procedure involve A rhinoplasty procedure typically involves the separation of the nose skin from the framework of bone and cartilage. Once the separation is accomplished, the surgeon is free to reshape the nose. Afterward, the skin is replaced over the newly formed framework ...

Facelift FAQ - December 18, 2006

Whats a facelift The technical term for a facelift is rhytidectomy. It is a surgical procedure which aims to smooth loose skin on the face (and neck), remove excess facial fat, and tighten the underlying muscles and tissue. What are the risks As with any surgical procedure, there are risks involved in a facelift operation. These risks may ...
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- December (10 items)
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