Atascosa NewsLocal news for Atascosa, TX continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.More of this story- June 13, 2008 Elvis, the Gladys Porter Zoo's most famous parrot, hasn't had an easy life. Endangered, orphaned and now disease-stricken, the bird's biography - though largely unknown - reads like the most poignant of ... Cattle Raisers name new Special Ranger for District 27- June 7, 2008 Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association has named Emil "Sonny" Seewald Special Ranger for District 27. EP County files suit against federal government over border fence- June 3, 2008 The lawsuit challenges waivers of federal, state, and local laws issued to build the border fence along the U.S.-Mexico border. Wildlife coalition to file federal suit over waiving of environmental laws for border fence- June 1, 2008 A coalition of wildlife protection groups will file a federal lawsuit Monday in El Paso challenging the Department of Homeland Security's authority to waive state and federal laws to build a border security ... |