The Universal Church Of Cosmic UncertaintyA potentially painful excursion into the unabashedly narcissistic day-to-day ramblings of a severely A.D.D. ubergeek, baker, & fledgling world traveller. :pMad William Flint has left the building- October 26, 2003 New Blog Digs: http:www.mpwilson.comuccu I'm finally making good on year and a half old threats and leaving http:radio.weblogs.com0108194 The mechanics of the affair are a bit nuts at the moment, but I"m working towards a solution that's "kinder and gentler" both on my head and the new server. So here 'goes: The new RSS feed: http:www.mpwilson.comuccurss.xml The new Blog homepage: http:www.mpwilson.comuccu Update accordingly. I won't be back. Woohoo! Panther!... wait... why- October 25, 2003 I was all excited to get up early this morning and drive down to the apple store in westchester to pick up panther. (Of course "early this morning" means any time that's still technically definable as morning.) But I stopped myself after my morning aggregator read and asked why. Why do I need on opening day + 1 to go get the latest & greatest apple OS upgrade Is it THAT cool Am I going to make such spectacular use of it that I can't wait another day Am I THAT much of an advertising... The more things change- October 25, 2003 See... last time I went to an SC Happy Hour, it was more or less like the previous time, and the time before that. I don't mean to make light. But it's a fairly predictable affair. Then came Iceland. The Iceland trip was 25 of us, all SCers. About 15 of us showed up at this one. So now there are Galapagos people, Costa Rica people, and Iceland people, with some overlap. Things are a little different though. This time there were lots of pockets of... And I'm off...- October 24, 2003 Social Circles Happy Hour tonight. It's becoming quite the schlep to get into town, but I can't wait to see everybody. Hasta. Resume Rewriting Services- October 23, 2003 Ok. My resume is ass. I know it's ass. But having been at it since I got out of the shower (immediately after the previous post) I'm beginning to think I'm just too damn familiar with what I've done to rewrite it effectively. So my question: Has anybody used resume rewriting services, such as the one on They charge a fair amount of money and seem really anonymous, but if it'll get it done there's a very broad range on what's "too much". But the... Friggin Paralysis- October 23, 2003 I hate it when I get like this. And I hate it even more when I see it coming. I'm in a massive productivity funk. There's a thousand thousand things I OUGHT be doing. The abbreviated, sanitized for public consumption version: Job Hunting Resume Rewriting Transferring files to Tying up loose ends from Brooklyn emailing people with whom I've let friendships slide. No less than 6 "High Priority" dev projects No less than a baker's dozen low-priority... More Unilateral Cowboy foreign policy- October 23, 2003 http:denbeste.nucd_log_entries200310Theactsoffriends.shtml |