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Feed items 11 - 20 of 43 for June 2008

Statistics Belgium | NL

De grootste statistische overheidsorganisatie in België

studie Microeconomic analysis of unemployment persistence in Belgium - June 24, 2008

This study investigates the causes of unemployment persistence among the Belgian labour force. The underlying issue was to determine the impact of past unemployment spells on future labour market opportunities. Some European studies have demonstrated the existence of a true causal relationship between successive unemployment spells implying a stigmatisation effect for the unemployed. This so-called state dependence can occur through a reduction in human capital or through employer recruitment...

conjunctuur Indexcijfer van de omzet volgens de BTW-aangiften (april 2008) - June 23, 2008

De seizoengezuiverde index van de omzet van de landbouw, industrie en diensten in Belgi (op basis van de BTW-aangiften) is gestegen met 3,7% in april 2008.

studie Employment Assimilation of Immigrants in the Netherlands - June 23, 2008

Using two Dutch labour force surveys, employment assimilation of immigrants is examined. Zorlu and Hartog observe marked differences between immigrants by source country. Non-western immigrants never reach parity with native Dutch. Even second generation immigrants never fully catch up. Caribbean immigrants, who share a colonial history with the Dutch, assimilate relatively quick compared to other non-western immigrants but they still suffer from high unemployment. The study also documents that.

conjunctuur Indexcijfer van de investeringen volgens de BTW-aangiften (april 2008) - June 23, 2008

De seizoengezuiverde index van de investeringen van de landbouw, industrie en diensten in Belgi (op basis van de BTW-aangiften) is gestegen met 0,5% in april 2008.

publicaties Sterftetafels - 2005 - June 23, 2008

bevolking en huishoudens

publicaties Consumptiekrediet - tweede semester 2007 - June 23, 2008


studie De socio-economische structuren van Belgi - June 20, 2008

Deze monografie heeft als doel de gegevens van de socio-economische enqute van 2001 over de werkgelegenheid zo grondig mogelijk te exploiteren. Deze enqute is een unieke gegevensbron om de evolutie van de werkgelegenheid en de arbeidsmarkt te begrijpen, omdat verscheidene individuele variabelen gekruist kunnen worden: soorten beroepsbevolking, beroepen, activiteitssectoren, leeftijd, geslacht, diplomas, woonplaats, werkplaats... Niettegenstaande problemen met de kwaliteit van de gegevens is de..

conjunctuur Kleinhandelsindexen (april 2008) - June 20, 2008

studie Labor Market Policies, Institutions and Employment Rates in the EU-27 - June 20, 2008

Riccardo Rovelli and Randolph Bruno compare labor market policies, institutions and outcomes for the EU member states, for the period 2000-2005. They document the main differences in Labor Market Policies across EU members, including new member states after 2004. They focus on indicators of policy generosity (expenditures relative to GDP) and relate these and other policy indicators to indicators of labor market outcomes and performance. Their results show that, on a crosscountry basis, higher..

publicaties De Conjunctuur - februari 2008 - June 19, 2008

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