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Feed items 11 - 20 of 25 for January 2007

Shut up about those damned little no-neck monsters! - January 14, 2007

This sounds like me about 10 years ago, without the Western Civ bits, which never would have crossed my mind at the time. I've mellowed considerably, thanks to exposure to other people's kids. Still, none of my own, though. Too late. And you should all be as thrilled about that as I am:I find it so reassuring when Our Dear Democratic, Progressive, Tolerant, And Did I Mention Democratic Leaders drop their masks and admit that they think that no woman is fully human unless she has had a man put..

Devine and the ridiculous - January 14, 2007

Yes, as you had heard, a 13-year-old Catholic girl in the UK has apparently been banned from wearing a crucifix because it violated "health and safety rules." After all, she could put someone's eye out with that thing...All the stories cite the same Daily Mail source, word for word. I will watch for more detailed stories as they come out.I thought of this story too but Karen beat me to it:Years ago, I was at an Act One dinner where keynote speaker Randy Wallace shocked the room by saying, "I...

No wonder he lives in Toronto (but only when it's sufficiently warm and "interesting" - January 13, 2007

We haven't heard much from TorontoIranian blogger "Hoder" for a while; time was I thought Jeff Jarvis was going to start an official fan club for the guy. 2002 seems like a long time ago.He fits right in around here, as you'll see from a this Hugh Hewitt interview:HH: Hossein, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. There are no radical Christians running around George Bush who believe in ushering in the End Times by the occasioning of chaos. Thats just not true. Do you have.

What a Canadian Celebrity Big Brother might look like - January 13, 2007

"...who among us, be honest, doesn't harbour a homegrown Celebrity Big Brother fantasy cast I shuffle my lineup almost every week. (I recently added Myriam Bedard and dropped Michael Ignatieff.) "Mainstays include: Adrienne Clarkson (for storytelling around the fire); Douglas Coupland (for instant cool insights into the experience); Spenny from Kenny vs. Spenny (needs to break out on his own); Ralph Klein (unless the rumour is true and he is tagged for CBC's Dancing with the Canadian Stars);...

A brief and very funny history of writers' feuds - January 13, 2007

"With great sadness we learn that the Colombian Nobel prize winner Gabriel Garca Mrquez and the Peruvian author Mario Vargas Llosa, after a thrillingly long and bitter feud, are patching up their differences. (...) Writers have always conducted colourful feuds, and the Garca Marquez-Vargas Llosa vendetta was one of the best. Once they were the closest friends. Garca Mrquez was godfather to Vargas Llosas son. Then relations cooled, their political paths diverged, and three decades ago, for...

Coren: Little Mosque is "visual drudgery" - January 13, 2007

"The usual visual drudgery. Awful Canadian actors mouthing lamentable dialogue packed with cliches and telegraphed attempts at humour. The bland leading the bland. And all paid for by your tax dollars -- including the huge advertising campaign for the project. Public money that could otherwise have been spent on something trivial like a nurse in an intensive care ward.(...)"The non-Muslim caricatures, however, are repugnant. Especially if they're cops."You know cops. The poor fools who have to..

Paul Tuns: 10 Things I Don't Care About - January 12, 2007

Yeah, I'm citing him a lot; he's been on a roll. I was just thinking of making a list like this, but he beat me to it and said most of what I'd say anyhow:9. Quebec -- Although I find the effect of Quebec on Canadian politics fascinating, I don't care whether Quebec remains part of Canada or not.8. Aboriginals -- I think they got a bum deal. Get over it. It's time to join the larger society. 6. Space exploration -- The issue is not at all interesting to me. I understand that there is important..

Why I hate Canadian electoral politics - January 12, 2007

(LINK FIXEd)"Today was the second day in a row a Tory staffer has said this to me: 'No snow, no election.' The Conservatives, they both said, can't win if people in Ottawa and Toronto and southwestern Ontario can't remember snow on the ground sometime between now and the March break because it gives credence to the idea that global warming is a fact and that it is getting worse under the Tories. "Now, a good snow between now and mid-March doesn't disprove global warming any more than a green...

Mr. Death: so how does it end - January 12, 2007

I had to take a call half-way through Errol Morris' Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr..Does he come to realize what a goof he's being Doesn't sound like it.What I did get to see was a finely wrought meditation on vanity and its many traps. I also beheld a living example of my conspiracy-theorists-are-borderline-autistic theory. But my theory may be just as silly as Leuchter's, right

Peggy Noonan: Neither Iraqis nor Democrats seem ready to do what's required of them - January 12, 2007

"The question that suddenly began to crop up in all the talk after the speech was: What will fill the vacuum if America simply says, 'We gave it our best, but the Iraqi people didn't seem to want to cooperate in their freedom, so we will have to leave' The talk was grim and believable. Ethnic cleansing, religious warfare, geopolitical machinations potentially harmful -- almost certainly harmful, and deeply so -- to America and the West. One argument seems tired and not true. It is that if we...
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