A Frog in the Valley. Communication + Technologiesle Développement Web comme style de vie!(Untitled)- November 19, 2002 MozTweak 1.2 Beta Released via MozillaZinehttp://radio.weblogs.com/0001114/2002/11/18.html#a1662 (Untitled)- November 19, 2002 Spam Filtering's Last StandRecently, a relatively new idea for filtering spam has surfaced: Bayesian classification of e-mail, or at least Bayesian-inspired analysis. This seems to have been recently been brought to the Internet community's attention by Paul Graham in his essay A Plan for Spam, though I know he's not the first to think of it: For instance, here's a programming assignment given at the University of California, Irvine's Information and Computer Science department in Dec. 1999....http://radio.weblogs.com/0001114/2002/11/18.html#a1661 (Untitled)- November 18, 2002 J'ai encore environ 150 bookmarks de trucs que je pourrais poster ici... disons que je ne manque pas de matériel, bonne lecture et bons liens! Au sens premier: de l'hyperlien, et au second degré: les liens à tisser entre toutes ces parcelles d'information pour en faire un système cohérent de pensée technologique... Vous pouvez en effet le constater par la quantité d'hyperliens et de commentaires que je poste sur ce carnet, ma matière grise.http://radio.weblogs.com/0001114/2002/11/18.html#a1660 (Untitled)- November 18, 2002 SuSE Linux eMail Server 3.1SuSE Linux eMail Server 3.1 supports all relevant Internet standards, including IMAP, LDAP, SMTP, POP3, TLS, and SASL. A special characteristic of this Open Source solution: since the number of possible users per e-mail server is unlimited, an increase in the number of users will not cause any additional costs or more administration workload (Total cost: 999$). Pas cher comparé à une license d'Exchange pour 25 utilisateurs (8200$, incluant le...http://radio.weblogs.com/0001114/2002/11/18.html#a1659 (Untitled)- November 18, 2002 Web Services' Idées FortesMany people ask us at ZapThink what's really so special about Web Services. We're the first to admit that Web Services are more evolutionary than revolutionary, building upon earlier Service-oriented technologies and approaches to distributed computing. Sure, Web Services are standards-based, using XML and XML-based protocols like SOAP to act as a common basis for communication across different vendor implementations. But open standards are really only the price.http://radio.weblogs.com/0001114/2002/11/17.html#a1658 (Untitled)- November 18, 2002 Fine-tuning Custom Google SearchAfter experimenting with a few approaches for adding a Google search box to Radio Free Blogistan (with the help of my readers), I found a satisfactory method. I'm posting the code in this story format so that I can refer to it in a blog post without actually putting the code out there and screwing up people's aggregators. C'est à la lecture de cet article que j'ai rajouté la boîte de recherche Google sur afroginthevalley.weblogs.com ...http://radio.weblogs.com/0001114/2002/11/17.html#a1657 (Untitled)- November 18, 2002 Some Windows 2k ToolsUn petit paragraphe assaisonné juste à point de savoureux hyperliens: That said, from time to time, I do need to tweak, clean or fix something that goes a bit wacky. Today, registry problems. If you're in the same boat, may I suggest the LabMice - Windows 2000 Utilities. If that doesn't cut it for you, or if you want to blow your foot clean-off with some nifty developer-oriented tools, perhaps the Windows 2000 Resource Kits Page will offer something of use..http://radio.weblogs.com/0001114/2002/11/17.html#a1656 (Untitled)- November 18, 2002 Random Hacks: Bayesian Whitelisting: Finding the Good Mail Among the Spam. Défénitivement un sujet chaud et les geeks commencent à s'y attaquer de façon créative... C'est un de mes sujets de réflexion sur le futur de la messagerie numérique, de quelle façon ces outils changent la donne (ou la rétablissent, selon l'angle).http://radio.weblogs.com/0001114/2002/11/17.html#a1655 (Untitled)- November 18, 2002 Open Space est un blog comme je les aimes (contenu et format) mais il lui manque un feed RSS...http://radio.weblogs.com/0001114/2002/11/17.html#a1654 (Untitled)- November 18, 2002 Review of Red Hat 8.0 on OSNews.com. Ca date un peu mais c'est une évaluation assez détaillée... en passant, je n'ai toujours pas eu le temps de migrer mon laptop à Mandrake 9, mais c'est encore dans mes projets à court terme... surtout que je passe beaucoup de mon temps dans Windows avec Mozilla et Open Office (que j'aime de plus en plus!), donc un petit dualboot avec une installation fraîche de Win2k (je n'ai jamais aimé XP, j'sais pas pourquoi).http://radio.weblogs.com/0001114/2002/11/17.html#a1653 |