Tecumseh NewsLocal news for Tecumseh, OK continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Another candidate files for sheriff's race- June 9, 2008 On the second day of the candidate filing period for city of Shawnee and Pottawatomie County elections, one person filed a declaration of candidacy in the sheriff's race.http://www.topix.net/city/tecumseh-ok/2008/06/another-candidate-files-for-sheriffs-race?fr... Tecumseh resident testifies McMahan ignored warnings about donors- June 7, 2008 State Auditor and Inspector Jeff McMahan and his wife Lori arrive at the U.S. Federal Courthouse in Muskogee Monday.http://www.topix.net/city/tecumseh-ok/2008/06/tecumseh-resident-testifies-mcmahan-ignored-... Tecumseh, ODOT reach agreement on stop light- June 5, 2008 The installation of traffic lights at the intersection of Benson Park Road and U.S. 177 is one step closer now that an agreement was reached this week between the city of Tecumseh and the Oklahoma Department of ...http://www.topix.net/city/tecumseh-ok/2008/06/tecumseh-odot-reach-agreement-on-stop-light?... |