The Buffalo WarThe State of Montana is killing the last free ranging and genetically pure wild Buffalo (bison) when they stray from Yellowstone National Park. Find out why and what you can do to stop it.State Vets Plan to Eliminate Brucellosis in YNP- July 4, 2008 This shows the true colors of the livestock industry and how they want to control how our wildlife is managed for their benefit. Buffalo in the Yellowstone are among the few genetically pure buffalo left in North America and they are the only buffalo which have a continuous connection to the land that they inhabit. This plan has been tried in the past and it was an utter failure. This continuous genetic bottleneck will result in a decline of genetic diversity and will negatively effect the... Update from the Field June 26, 2008- July 4, 2008 COMMENT: Montana Buffalo Hunt Planned for 2008-2009, "Buffalo News" - Collaborative Newsletter for the Buffalo Available, "Let Buffalo Roam" License Plates for Every State, Photo of the Week, Last Words, Kill Tally. |