a hungry brainBill Maya's Radio Weblog(Untitled)- April 11, 2004 Try your hand at balancing the federal budget. US Federal Budget sim created at Berkeley. This simulation asks you to adjust spending and tax expenditures in the the 2004 budget proposed by the White House in order to achieve either a balanced budget or any other target deficit...According to the White House, the 2004 fiscal deficit is projected to be $307 billion. This does not include the costs of the Iraq War, so it has been increased by a base estimate of $50 billion for those costs in...http://radio.weblogs.com/0100443/2004/04/11.html#a2887 (Untitled)- April 8, 2004 Top Tip: Shutdown folder in Windows. We all know when Windows starts up, those programs in the startup folder start up with Windows. Is there a folder like that when the computer shuts down Extremetechhttp://radio.weblogs.com/0100443/2004/04/08.html#a2886 (Untitled)- April 7, 2004 Classic Gamer Magazine. Classic Gamer Magazine is a downloadable PDF zine (6MB compressed) devoted to news and reviews of obsolete arcade games. I love the graphics, especially the repros of vintage video-game ads. Link (Thanks, Cav!) Boing Boinghttp://radio.weblogs.com/0100443/2004/04/07.html#a2884 (Untitled)- April 7, 2004 AbiWord goes Mac native. AbiWord is a cross-platform, open-source word-processor that reads and writes Word, OpenOffice, Word Perfect, RTF, Palm and HTML documents. The project has just shipped an OSX-native version that runs without X-Windows, meaning that all you need to do to run it is double-click and launch. Link (via Forwarding Address: OS X) Boing Boinghttp://radio.weblogs.com/0100443/2004/04/07.html#a2885 (Untitled)- April 7, 2004 Bush photomosaic of American dead in Iraq. Bush photomosaic of Americans who have died in Iraq since the war president entered office. Link Boing Boinghttp://radio.weblogs.com/0100443/2004/04/07.html#a2882 (Untitled)- April 7, 2004 RSS version history by Dave Winer. Dave Winer posted a version history for RSS. This should be quoted in every article that's done about RSS or other syndication types like Atom. Scobleizer: Microsoft Geek Bloggerhttp://radio.weblogs.com/0100443/2004/04/07.html#a2881 (Untitled)- April 7, 2004 Channel9 conversation continues.... Channel9 gets Slashdotted. Oh, the comments are great! Here's some other reactions from around the Web: Kent wants a single page of all the RSS feeds. I'll do that tomorrow. Evelyn Rodriguez: Maybe It's Time to Re-Think What Marketing is DonXML: The human beings behind XML at Microsoft. "My only regret from last night was that we didn't have someone there walking around the dinner with a video camera, recording what I saw, a bunch of human beings in open and.http://radio.weblogs.com/0100443/2004/04/07.html#a2880 (Untitled)- April 7, 2004 Core versus Context - Core creates value that competitors can't replicate. From :: Under the Buzz - "April 2004 - Vol 5, Number 1 - The Unattainable Real-Time Enterprise (by Geoffrey Moore) (PDF): QUOTEMy analysis in a nutshell is that core activities are those that increase the sustainable competitive advantage of a company. Core activities create value for customers in a way that is hard forcompetitors to replicate, and by doing so increase the market power of the company. Investors...http://radio.weblogs.com/0100443/2004/04/07.html#a2879 (Untitled)- April 7, 2004 Why is LSD use down. LSD use is way down in recent years, according to arrest records, hospital records, and surveys with high schoolers. Slate looked into it, and came up with two reasons why. First and foremost, the DEA busted a couple of guys in rural Kansas back in 2000, who supplied 95 percent of the country's acid. The other reason is the breakup of the Grateful Dead. "The LSD market took an earlier blow in 1995, when Grateful Dead frontman Jerry Garcia died and the band stopped...http://radio.weblogs.com/0100443/2004/04/07.html#a2876 (Untitled)- April 7, 2004 Game operations in New York. ...Spent some time today updating my links page, where I try to keep track of anyone doing anything remotely game-related in New York. Doing this is usually depressing, but I found, somewhat to my surprise, that I was adding more promising new companies than deleting lame dead ones... Maybe things are actuallly looking up.Speaking of which, I'm hosting a meeting of the "Gamoids," the NYC IGDA chapter in a few weeks... If you have a professional interest in the...http://radio.weblogs.com/0100443/2004/04/07.html#a2877 |