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Feed items 1 - 10 of 10 for June 2008

uruloki's lair

No brain cells to be found

Blizzards secret - June 28, 2008

If it&8217;s Diablo III, I may have to renegotiate with Otter.

The Week in Wins - June 27, 2008

Ok, well, yes, it is only Friday&8230; Lets face it people my life is not win, so Thursday was pretty spectacular. 1. The pipes froze on the roof! &8220;How is that &8216;win&8217;&8221; you may ask, well let me tell you. For 3 weeks my AC pipes have been freezing and Jesse (yeah ...

My spot, not yours - June 27, 2008

My building has a separated parking lot. The first area, directly in front of the building, has all the reserved and handicapped spaces. I park in the second area with the rest of the plebes. There are more people working in the building that are starting to ride motorcycles into work to save ...

Staggering across the line - June 23, 2008

I ran my first ever half-marathon on Saturday and completed it in an hour and 51 minutes which is a decent 8:26 per mile pace. I am very sure that I could have pulled out an hour and 45 minutes, but starting at about mile 10 I had to take at least 5 minutes ...

Lightbulb - June 21, 2008

When the first part of your idea starts &8220;well, if I tie down the engine control handle (for the lawn mower),&8221; it&8217;s probably not a good idea.

23 > 25 - June 17, 2008

We killed Archimonde last night. It went pretty nicely once we dropped 2 people. Huurrrr DPS.

Butter : Why I wish I had some - June 13, 2008

As it turns out, Imperial is not butter. I do not wish to go back to the store, soooo I will look like I was attacked by a large heathen tomorrow. I can say however my virtue is still intact and his eye will be black and blue and he only bled a ...

An Observation - June 10, 2008

Occasionally I will eat one of the Met-RX protein bars, usually when I&8217;m going running or playing soccer eary in the day and don&8217;t want to worry about breakfast. After I ate the last one, I read the package a little bit and noticed that they have a little line on there that says ...

A Health Tip - June 9, 2008

Last week I was on a trip to FL for business. All of the stairwells in the the building I was staying in were one-way. You could get into the stairwell from any floor, but then all the doors going into the building were locked except for the first floor so you could ...

Thanks for introducing yourself - June 3, 2008

It&8217;s nice for all those folks that haven&8217;t met you yet. Guess what though: they can see your rank and your last name on your uniform so introducing yourself as &8220;Rank LastName&8221; does jack-all to help them.
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