Virginia NewsLocal news for Virginia, MN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Longtime Range lawmaker files for reelection- July 8, 2008 Longtime Range lawmaker files for re-election Eds: APNewsNow. VIRGINIA, Minn. Veteran Iron Range lawmaker Tom Rukavina is going for his 12th term in the Minnesota House. 150 Minnesota moments we'd just as soon forget- July 3, 2008 Paul survives being struck by an icicle weighing several hundred pounds while trying to take photos of the frozen Minnehaha Falls. Community, group restore synagogue in Virginia, Minn.- July 1, 2008 ie Riebe Mesabi Daily News VIRGINIA, Minn. -- Nearly 100 years ago, the B'nai Abraham Synagogue opened its doors in Virginia. For decades it was home to services and numerous commemorations -- many birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, and Bar Mitzvahs |