Virginia NewsLocal news for Virginia, MN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Teamwork, quick response critical- June 8, 2008 " Cooperation is one key to success when it comes to law enforcement activities in rural areas. Big Thanks for Saving Li Ttle One- June 6, 2008 By LINDA TYSSEN Staff Writer EVELETH - It was a reunion in a most unusual place, the Eveleth City Hall, as the family of little Owen James Russell came to say thanks to those who had saved his life. Fuel costs wipe out demand for trucks, SUVs- June 4, 2008 It's as though someone darkened the showroom lights over the GM-built trucks and SUVs at David Solon's dealership in Duluth, Minn. Woman sentenced in Nelson-Collie Electric fire- June 4, 2008 Tiffany Lynn Jenner, 21, of Virginia will serve six months in the Women's Program on a felony arson charge for starting the April 4 fire that gutted Nelson-Collie Electric. Ready for picnics Then let's celebrate- June 2, 2008 Dates have been set, picnic sites determined, food is planned and participants are signing up! In other words, the Neighborhood Picnics are a popular activity during the week of the Great Virginia Get Together! ... |