Virginia NewsLocal, regional, and statewide news continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Northern Va. leaders to push for state transportation funding- July 8, 2008 Northern Virginia leaders plan to turn up the heat on state lawmakers Wednesday. Gas Prices May Send Va.'s Debt Up- July 8, 2008 Virginia State Police officials are postponing training, curbing travel and eliminating some employee voicemail to pay for gas. Virginia Team Hopes To Solve WWII Mystery- July 8, 2008 A Virginia team seeking answers to a grizzly World War II mystery says it hopes it can help bring closure to the families of 22 long-missing Marines. Webb takes self out of VP consideration NEW: Va. senator rules out serving on ticket with Obama- July 8, 2008 Virginia Senator Jim Webb yesterday took himself out of the running for the Democratic vice-presidential nomination. Moran raised more than $1 million for gubernatorial race- July 7, 2008 The gubernatorial campaign of Brian Moran Monday reported receiving $1.38 million in donations during the first six months of the year. Blackwater's Legal Protections Might End- July 7, 2008 Blackwater Worldwide, the private U.S. security contractor guarding diplomats in Baghdad, may no longer have immunity from Iraqi courts, sources say. Residents Angry About Loss of Trees- July 7, 2008 Northern Virginia residents who live along the Capital Beltway stretch that's widening are about to lose nearly all the vegetation between them and the highway. High Gas Prices Forcing State Cutbacks- July 7, 2008 Virginia State Police officials are postponing training, curbing travel and eliminating some employee voicemail to pay for gas. Bush heckled as he welcomes new citizens- July 6, 2008 Bush spent July 4 at Monticello, President Thomas Jefferson's home in Virginia. Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, died at Monticello in 1826 on the 50th anniversary of the document's ... Virginia Commerce Bank employees give back- July 6, 2008 Virginia Commerce Bank marked its 20th anniversary this year. To celebrate, each branch identified local charities they could help, above and beyond the various non-profits and communities VCB has helped and ... |