Vienna NewsLocal news for Vienna, WV continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Software to help bus passengers wit.....- July 10, 2008 The Mid-Ohio Valley Transit Authority plans to purchase a software system that will allow passengers to receive text messages containing information about bus schedules. Man charged with burglary after sho.....- July 8, 2008 A Vienna man who eluded police Monday morning was charged with burglary after he crashed his car along a fairway of the Parkersburg Country Club. Prescriptions go electronic- July 6, 2008 The days when reading a doctor's handwritten prescription was akin to interpreting a piece of impressionist art are giving way to prescription being written and sent electronically on computers. Parkersburg wants that Wheeling fee.....- July 4, 2008 City officials want a taste of that Wheeling feeling. Wednesday, Mayor Bob Newell had a meeting with Convention and Visitors Bureau President Steve Nicely and President of the Chamber of Commerce of the ... How $4 Gas Can Help Men- July 1, 2008 According to the CDC, heart disease and cancer are the leading causes of death in men. |