Vienna NewsLocal news for Vienna, WV continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Wood County Circuit Court hears fou.....- June 8, 2008 Four cases were heard Monday in Wood County Circuit Court. David Reed, 44, 2509 Gihon Road, Parkersburg, was denied a motion for bond reduction by Circuit Judge J.D. Beane. Natural Gas Leak Details- June 6, 2008 Vienna residents are back in their homes after a gas leak Monday forced them to evacuate. Gas leak causes area of park to be .....- June 4, 2008 ' A gas leak near Jackson Park in Vienna prompted officials to evacuate areas of the park and a few homes late Monday afternoon. New cross dedicated at cemetery- June 2, 2008 ' A new version of a long-time area landmark was dedicated Friday evening at the Evergreen Cemetery in north Parkersburg. |