Anna Maria NewsLocal news for Anna Maria, FL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Offshore drilling draws support- July 9, 2008 With a group of restaurants fronting the Gulf of Mexico and the Intracoastal Waterway, it probably comes as no surprise that Ed Chiles has strong views about drilling for oil off Florida's coast. Friday, June 27- July 7, 2008 A set of fish bones that washed up on Longboat Key has left experts stumped as to the exact origin. Manatee's red, white & blue celebration- July 5, 2008 They came by foot, by bike, by car and SUV, lining the riverbanks, perched on the guard rails, standing on the docks and even atop Manatee Memorial Hospital's new parking garage. Island firms preparing for fall famine- July 3, 2008 Beach business owners are feasting now, but famine may stalk them this fall with the closing of the Anna Maria Island Bridge. See & Do: Weekend Edition- July 1, 2008 TGIF A few late-breaking options for your weekend. Second Chance-Last Opportunity Benefit Fri., June 27, 6-8 p.m. Foley's Fine Art, 1540A Main Street, Sarasota, 330-6135 or 366-0525 Foley's Fine Art is closing ... |