Ashby NewsLocal news for Ashby, MA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Hope for a new home- June 5, 2008 Jenavieve Filanowski, 4, of Ashby, is adopting a 10-week-old terrier mix puppy from Animal Shelter Inc. The Posting Board- June 3, 2008 Board of Selectmen: 7 p.m. meeting, Memorial Hall. LaLeche League: 8 p.m., Lawrence Library, Pepperell; Regular meeting of the breastfeeding support group LaLeche League of Townsend. Summer program offered at Hawthorne Brook- June 1, 2008 A five-week summer program is being offered at Hawthorne Brook Middle School, weekdays from 9 a.m. to noon or 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. No family discounts. |