Steven's NotebookLook Ma - No Hands!links for 2008-05-27- (Found June 24, 2008 ) DigiMeld - NASA Television NASA experimenting using peer-to-peer to spread streaming video. (tags: twimideas) Guitar Chords Chordbook.Com good tool for visualizing chords, save a set to "my chords" and then play the progression. (tags: guitar chords) TVs Digital Switchover- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Hey, it's been a while since I last wrote about buying a new TV, but for some of you the time is coming soon. Or not. Most geeks and I'd guess most readers here already know what's what, but look around. There are plenty of people who don't, ... Twenty-Two Years- (Found June 24, 2008 ) photo by Jeff Belmonte. Motorcycle Safety Myths- (Found June 24, 2008 ) from Dave Dragon: The Deadly Dozen: 12 Motorcycle Safety Myths and Misconceptions Motorcyclists should be be extremely cautious about what they hear about motorcycle safety. Some of it may be dangerously wrong.Yea, go read 'em. Vision, this Friday- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Come enjoy a night of Contemporary Christian Rock! Vision is a collection of local Christian musicians who are coming together for a good cause. The show starts at 7:30 and includes performances by Taylor Martin, James Vore, and The Mission, and guest speaker Marvin Fullilove. Vision is family friendly and ... |