Ulmer NewsLocal news for Ulmer, SC continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.S.C. board approves yearly increases in retiree pay- June 18, 2008 State workers watched and waited outside a meeting room Tuesday as the state's top financial leaders argued about changes to the state's retirement system that would ultimately offer them 2 percent annual ...http://www.topix.net/city/ulmer-sc/2008/06/s-c-board-approves-yearly-increases-in-retiree-... A long ride to work: The bus leaves at 5 a.m.- June 10, 2008 Joanne Mew arrives at the dimly lit downtown bus stop at 4:20 a.m. -- the beginning of her daily five-hour, round-trip commute to work.http://www.topix.net/city/ulmer-sc/2008/06/a-long-ride-to-work-the-bus-leaves-at-5-a-m?fro... Republicans likely to vote for Democrats- June 8, 2008 With contested countywide races for sheriff, clerk of court and coroner, not to mention the high-profile House District 66 race, in Tuesday's Democratic primary, Republican or independent-leaning voters in ...http://www.topix.net/city/ulmer-sc/2008/06/republicans-likely-to-vote-for-democrats?fromrs... |