Teays Valley NewsLocal news for Teays Valley, WV continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Network- July 11, 2008 A portion of the parking area near the former CarmikeGeneral Cinemas Huntington Mall 6 has been blocked, but the bulldozers have not taken any big bites yet.http://www.topix.net/city/teays-valley-wv/2008/07/network?fromrss=1 New Putnam school almost ready for kids- July 9, 2008 As students in Putnam County rest on summer vacation, laborers are working hard to finish their new school.http://www.topix.net/city/teays-valley-wv/2008/07/new-putnam-school-almost-ready-for-kids?... Minister says he didn't get bigger role after trying to file sexual harassment complaint- July 6, 2008 A former Teays Valley youth minister has filed a suit against his church, claiming he was denied a leadership role in the church after he tried to file a sexual harassment complaint against his pastor.http://www.topix.net/city/teays-valley-wv/2008/07/minister-says-he-didnt-get-bigger-role-a... Volunteer Fire Departments and State Funding- July 4, 2008 Money comes from an insurance policy tax, and some counties have a fire service fee.http://www.topix.net/city/teays-valley-wv/2008/07/volunteer-fire-departments-and-state-fun... New Rules For Restaurant Inspections- July 3, 2008 The changes are getting mixed reaction in the industry. Story by Gil McClanahan Email Bio Other Stories by Gil McClanahan Teays Valley -- State health leaders want your dining experience to be a safe one, which ...http://www.topix.net/city/teays-valley-wv/2008/07/new-rules-for-restaurant-inspections?fro... Kanawha bars, gaming parlors now smoke free- July 1, 2008 Tri-State Racetrack & Gaming Center is now the only racetrack casino in West Virginia that doesn't allow smoking.http://www.topix.net/city/teays-valley-wv/2008/07/kanawha-bars-gaming-parlors-now-smoke-fr... |