WebmasterWorldNews and Discussion for the Web ProfessionalISPs to insert their own ads into websites- (Found June 18, 2008 )http://www.webmasterworld.com/google_adsense/3649194.htm eBay:Digital Downloadable Goods Must be Listed Using Classifieds- (Found June 18, 2008 ) "This policy affects items like eBooks, MP3 files, content in PDF format, recipes, etc."http://www.webmasterworld.com/ecommerce/3617905.htm Expression Web Tips and Tricks- (Found June 18, 2008 ) "I've been using EW for a while now its a big jump forward from FP but its not always obvious how to do things. So I thought it might be a good idea to share information, tips, etc."http://www.webmasterworld.com/html_editors/3620856.htm Microsoft Launches Messenger Video- (Found June 18, 2008 ) "Microsoft Corp has launched a new online service in 20 countries which will allow users to watch video clips at the same time as a network of friends and chat via Windows Live Messenger."http://www.webmasterworld.com/msft/3648752.htm Google Friend Connect, For The Social Web- (Found June 18, 2008 ) "Visitors to any site using Google Friend Connect will be able to see, invite, and interact with new friends, or, using secure authorization APIs, with existing friends from social sites on the web, including Facebook, Google Talk, hi5, orkut, Plaxo, and more."http://www.webmasterworld.com/goog/3646808.htm Building Communities: Critical for Online Business- (Found June 18, 2008 ) At first glance who would connect community to classifieds How critical do you think building community is to an Internet endeavor"http://www.webmasterworld.com/community_building/3647722.htm New Net Neutrality Bill Introduced- (Found June 18, 2008 ) "Two Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives have introduced a bill that would subject broadband providers to antitrust violations if they block or slow Internet traffic."http://www.webmasterworld.com/foo/3645856.htm Facebook Agrees to Create Tools to Protect Young Users- (Found June 18, 2008 ) "The social network Facebook has reached an agreement with 49 state attorneys general to institute a broad set of principles intended to protect young users from online predators and inappropriate material."http://www.webmasterworld.com/community_building/3645853.htm MySpace No Longer an Island, Goes For Data Portability- (Found June 18, 2008 ) "Responding to the momentum around data portability, MySpace has launched its own "Data Availability" effort with big-name partners Yahoo, eBay, Twitter, and fellow News Corp. unit Photobucket."http://www.webmasterworld.com/community_building/3645862.htm AVG Toolbar Glitch May Be Causing Visitor Loss- (Found June 18, 2008 ) "Web sites with tight security are turning away AVG visitors with security toolbar broadcasting malformed HTTP headers and user agent strings."http://www.webmasterworld.com/search_engine_spiders/3615360.htm |