The Leadership UltraNetLeadership UltraNet Power Tips - By Bill ThomasExpanded Service Descriptions- (Found July 15, 2008 ) It is time that we give you more information knowledge actually about how this Leadership-UltraNet thing works for your personal and professional growth, so here it goes. You will notice that the headlines have changed to address things like benefits, results and desired outcomes for you, my dear reader. We will be doing interviews this coming week about our unique approach to web-based training services - you should watch your news services and favorite ezines for these - I will tell you that.. Latest Leadership Articles- (Found July 15, 2008 ) Well there are new articles waiting for you - use them to enhance, enlighten and energize your leadership mind-set and skills. As usual, you will find the knowledge of how to become a better leader is easier to adopt than you might think - be sure to tell your friends to check out these articles and while you are at it, you should join our mailing list for those FREE goodies and book. The mere idea of offering all-inclusive leadership training services for less than 10 dollars US a month is... |