STR8BLOGGINTear the club up, tear the fucking club up.Firey shitmountain- January 29, 2005 A huge mountain of cow manure is seen smoldering at a feedlot near Milford, Neb., Tuesday, Jan. 18, 2005.... Spiderpussy at House- January 28, 2005 A success! It's good to see people going to Spiderpussy again.... Most awkward thing ever- January 28, 2005 The terrible smalltalk before a conference call.... Skype Me, bitches- January 27, 2005 Trying to use Skype a bit more, see if it's any good. Username: tlackner... Official notice- January 25, 2005 This site is transitioning to Wordpress over the next couple days. Beware of falling sanities.... Where the Everglades Hotel once stood- January 25, 2005 50BMG- January 25, 2005 The other day on 60 Minutes they had a story about a class of gun that seems so incredibly... Stunning productivity discovery- January 25, 2005 My AOL account is temporarily suspended because I asked an escort how many guys she had fucked from the Miami... |