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Feed items 1 - 7 of 7 for July 2008

The World of Stuff

Semi-geeky musings, links, and observations by an all-geeky teenager.

19 - July 13, 2008

I'm 19 years old today. This is my last year as a nominal teenager. Next year, I'll be "in my twenties." That's frightening. But for now, I am still someone with "teen" in his age. You know how, whenever it's your birthday, you remark that you don't look or feel any older I sometimes do. But ...

Reflections of a future former 18-year-old - July 12, 2008

My birthday is on Sunday. I'll be 19. I don't really want to talk about being 19 right now. Since this is probably the last post I'll write while I'm 18, I thought I'd talk about what it's like to be 18. In a way, it owns. You can do lots of cool stuff when you're ...

With a little help from my friends - July 11, 2008

It's birthday season. I know a lot of people whose birthdays are this month. Besides me, there are some of my best friends, some of my pretty okay friends, and also some friends of friends who were born in July. This is a story of one of the latter... or, rather, the last. Well, okay. I ...

The horror - July 8, 2008

People all the time be asking me: "Why can't I get iTunes to work Can you fix it" Answer: No, I can't. I've never used iTunes, and I don't know how it works. What's that It ate half of your songs Well, don't look at me. I can guess and guess, but you should try ...

The fifth of July - July 6, 2008

For the Fourth of July, I went to my friend Nick's house for a barbecue. His whole family was there, as usual. And it was pretty crazy, as usual. There are a lot of kids in that family. First, Nick and his cousin were playing Rock Band. I don't understand the appeal of it. If I ...

2008: A Personal Odyssey - July 4, 2008

My friend Luke came over yesterday. We played guitars a bit, and he brought 2001: A Space Odyssey for me to borrow. I had seen the first half or so of it before, but I found it slow and boring. Now I'm older, and I have a larger TV, so I decided to give it ...

Hidden in plain sight - July 2, 2008

Here's something more people need to know: when you delete a file from your hard drive, it could still remain there, inaccessible through normal means, for a long time. Here's an analogy: Think of a hard drive like a book in which each file occupies one or more pages. The pages may or may not ...
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