Union Beach NewsLocal news for Union Beach, NJ continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Matawan Fireworks: Behind the scenes- July 11, 2008 While hundreds, or possibly thousands, of residents gathered to watch a 15-minute fireworks display, little thought was given to the hours of planning necessary for the event to be successful.http://www.topix.net/city/union-beach-nj/2008/07/matawan-fireworks-behind-the-scenes?fromr... Ronald a. Vaccarella, 61, of Commerce, Ga., formerly of Belford, Middletown- July 8, 2008 RONALD A. VACCARELLA, 61, of Commerce, Ga., formerly of Belford, MIDDLETOWN . He was born in Belford to the late Anthony and Dorothy Johnson Vaccarella.http://www.topix.net/city/union-beach-nj/2008/07/ronald-a-vaccarella-61-of-commerce-ga-for... Hazlet tries again to dissolve sewerage authority- July 6, 2008 The Township Committee is moving forward with its decision to dissolve the Hazlet Sewerage Authority - a move that officials say would save taxpayers as much as as $200,000 annually.http://www.topix.net/city/union-beach-nj/2008/07/hazlet-tries-again-to-dissolve-sewerage-a... County wants flood maps delayed- July 3, 2008 Monmouth County officials want a federal agency to delay the setting of flood zone maps that could lead to higher insurance costs for about 4,400 residents of Hazlet, Union Beach, Middletown and Keansburg.http://www.topix.net/city/union-beach-nj/2008/07/county-wants-flood-maps-delayed?fromrss=1 Almanac- July 1, 2008 INFOCUS EXHIBIT, a collaborative of six fine art photographers, at Middletown Arts Center, 36 Church St.http://www.topix.net/city/union-beach-nj/2008/07/almanac?fromrss=1 |