B.B. King NewsNews about B.B. King continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.B.B. King kicks off Pacific series with gusto- July 13, 2008 A tag cloud is a visual list of key terms associated with a piece of content. Larger and bolder tags are more relevant to the content.http://www.topix.net/who/b-b-king/2008/07/b-b-king-kicks-off-pacific-series-with-gusto?fro... The Pleasantville Music Festival keeps on growing- July 11, 2008 The Pleasantville Music Festival has grown up fast. In three years, its attendance has jumped from a little more than 500 to more than 5,000, and its performers are coming not just from points along the ...http://www.topix.net/who/b-b-king/2008/07/the-pleasantville-music-festival-keeps-on-growin... King thrills fairgoers- July 11, 2008 Blues legend B. B. King performs 'Let the Good Times Roll' in his second number onstage at the Solano County Fair on Wednesday, the fair's opening night.http://www.topix.net/who/b-b-king/2008/07/king-thrills-fairgoers?fromrss=1 Taking the caf stage- July 10, 2008 The Capitol Center for the Arts' new Spotlight Cafe venue is starting to heat up, with a variety of acts booked through the summer.http://www.topix.net/who/b-b-king/2008/07/taking-the-caf-stage?fromrss=1 Learn to Play Like B.B. King- July 8, 2008 Interested in learning some great, classic blues riffs Here's a free, in-depth online guitar lesson that explains how to play the blues like B.B. King.http://www.topix.net/who/b-b-king/2008/07/learn-to-play-like-b-b-king?fromrss=1 Down home blues at Mason Park- July 8, 2008 The Mississippi Voter's Association held a Taste of Southern Mississippi Food Festival Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Mason Park.http://www.topix.net/who/b-b-king/2008/07/down-home-blues-at-mason-park?fromrss=1 Novista hits Warped speed, again- July 6, 2008 The boys of Novista make it two years in a row on the Warped stage. Novista brings its screamo sound to the teenage masses during Sunday's Vans Warped Tour.http://www.topix.net/who/b-b-king/2008/07/novista-hits-warped-speed-again?fromrss=1 If It Weren't for the Stones- July 4, 2008 It was the summer of 1969 and there was a party goin' on backstage at Ravinia, the outdoor concert venue 30 miles north of Chicago.http://www.topix.net/who/b-b-king/2008/07/if-it-werent-for-the-stones?fromrss=1 Touched down in the land of the Delta Blues- July 2, 2008 When in Rome, as they say. As part of Road Trip 2008, my journey through the South in search of several weeks' worth of stories, I had accepted an invitation to come to this tiny town in northwest Mississippi ...http://www.topix.net/who/b-b-king/2008/07/touched-down-in-the-land-of-the-delta-blues?from... |