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Feed items 11 - 15 of 15 for April 2003

More tests... - April 19, 2003

I'm running more Radio tests on another computer so let's hope I don't go screwing up my weblog. I really want to see if I can get Radio to work with this host. Then I'll be able to move my weblog off this server. Not that I have anything against the Userland servers, but I'd really like a domain name and I could finally consolidate my weblogs. A little later...And...joila! It appears to be working. Now what should I do

Testing. Testing. 1 - 2 -3... - April 17, 2003

If something weird appears to be going on, it's because I think I've found a host I like that will work with Radio's upstreaming option. So, if things appear funky and all the sudden your aggregator has all my posts from the last month, that's just me changing back and forth running some tests.

Mr. Big-SUV-Guy... - April 17, 2003

Hey Mr. Whoever you are in your big SUV. The guy who cuts me off then pulls infront of me and slows below the speed limit. The guy who sits at the green light not paying attention. This one's for you Mr. Big-SUV-Guy. Whenever you pass me, you in your big SUV vehicle I think of the gas prices and how you probably pay $75 (30 gallon tank average) to fill up.When I think of the 240 miles (8 mpg city) you MIGHT be able to drive on that tank and the $18 I pay to drive just as...

Mmmfffffffffftttttttttttt..... - April 17, 2003

It's going to be a LONG, SLOW morning. Even with coffee my ass is dragging.

'Tis but a flesh wound... - April 16, 2003

More Proof That Watched Monty Python. We all know that Iraqi Minister of Information Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf got his job training by repeatedly watching one scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail on a film loop. Saddam Hussein and family now seem to have learned how not to be seen. Come to think of it, so has Osama bin Laden. No, he's not Iraqi, but maybe he came over on movie night or something. Had some popcorn. Caught a couple of episodes waiting for the check. Whatever. Saddam, the...
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- April (15 items)
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