Turners Falls NewsLocal news for Turners Falls, MA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Varsity Voice: Tuesday's complete live update schedule- June 10, 2008 As always, The Varsity Voice will have a whole lotta' coverage from Tuesday's state semifinal baseball and softball games.http://www.topix.net/city/turners-falls-ma/2008/06/varsity-voice-tuesdays-complete-live-up... Mount Everett grads rise above the district's fray- June 8, 2008 They accepted their diplomas in dress shoes. In flip-flops. In sneakers. And at least two of the 46 graduates of Mount Everett Regional School's Class of 2008 wore their softball uniforms under their gowns - ...http://www.topix.net/city/turners-falls-ma/2008/06/mount-everett-grads-rise-above-the-dist... Police detail Strathmore arson threats- June 6, 2008 Jonathan Tanzer, accused of setting fire to the former Strathmore factory in Turners Falls last June, had twice threatened to burn the old mill, according to statements made in Superior Court Tuesday morning.http://www.topix.net/city/turners-falls-ma/2008/06/police-detail-strathmore-arson-threats?... |