Temple Terrace NewsLocal news for Temple Terrace, FL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Tampa loves Orlando- June 13, 2008 STILL STUNNING: Orlando blew audiences away with her recent performance in Stageworks' Brighton Beach Memoirs .http://www.topix.net/city/temple-terrace-fl/2008/06/tampa-loves-orlando?fromrss=1 Governor Signs $66 Billion Budget For Coming Fiscal Year- June 11, 2008 Gov. Charlie Crist has signed the state's $66 billion budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, approving nearly every request for money that lawmakers made for parks, pools, shelters, roads and other local ...http://www.topix.net/city/temple-terrace-fl/2008/06/governor-signs-66-billion-budget-for-c... |