Union City NewsLocal news for Union City, NJ continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Corzine at- July 13, 2008 Gov. Jon S. Corzine is scheduled to take a tour of School 20 in Jersey City this morning at 10 to highlight new funding for the state's school construction program.http://www.topix.net/city/union-city-nj/2008/07/corzine-at?fromrss=1 Putting heat on perps in Washington Park- July 11, 2008 Three law enforcement departments are joining forces to police Washington Park, which straddles the border between Union City and Jersey City and has become a favorite haunt for vagrants.http://www.topix.net/city/union-city-nj/2008/07/putting-heat-on-perps-in-washington-park?f... Go Fourth (and Third) and have fun- July 9, 2008 Pool party at 6 p.m. Fireworks at 9:15 p.m. Pool party for Secaucus residents and pool members only.http://www.topix.net/city/union-city-nj/2008/07/go-fourth-and-third-and-have-fun?fromrss=1 Who's up, who's down in Hudson power rankings- July 7, 2008 F or the fun of it, The Political Insider decided to do a mid-term power ranking of Hudson County's most influential politicians.http://www.topix.net/city/union-city-nj/2008/07/whos-up-whos-down-in-hudson-power-rankings... Jersey City, Union City getting part of $127.5M in state aid- July 5, 2008 The Corzine administration has awarded the lion's share of $153 million in so-called distressed cities aid to six financially struggling cities - including two in Hudson County - as part of the 2007-08 state ...http://www.topix.net/city/union-city-nj/2008/07/jersey-city-union-city-getting-part-of-127... Leader Newspapers- Oh! the scrumptious possibilities at Oh! Calamares- July 3, 2008 The family-run restaurant, Oh! Calamares, located at 201 Kearny Ave. in Kearny, offers a wide variety of Peruvian delicacies.http://www.topix.net/city/union-city-nj/2008/07/leader-newspapers-oh-the-scrumptious-possi... Man charged in shooting was also rounded up in ICE sweep, officials say- July 1, 2008 A Union City man charged in connection with a shooting earlier this month may face deportation proceedings, authorities said.http://www.topix.net/city/union-city-nj/2008/07/man-charged-in-shooting-was-also-rounded-u... Cocaine, cash and Viagra in raid at Union City deli- July 1, 2008 There were everyday household items on the shelves, but out of most customers' sight a city store owner was dealing cocaine and Viagra, police reports said.http://www.topix.net/city/union-city-nj/2008/07/cocaine-cash-and-viagra-in-raid-at-union-c... The Cuban Kid in Concert tonight in Union City- July 1, 2008 Union City Commissioner Lucio Fernandez, left, celebrates on Election Night with Mayor Brian Stack.http://www.topix.net/city/union-city-nj/2008/06/the-cuban-kid-in-concert-tonight-in-union-... |