Andrea HarnerVote It's good for you!Knowing who killed a loved one is justice by Philip Lerman, NewsDay- July 7, 2008 Marty Tenkleff is finally freed after being wrongfully convicted and locked up for 17 years. Here's an Op-Ed by Philip Lerman, former co-executive producer of "America's Most Wanted. The last sound my parents heard was the glass smashing against the wall, and the slam of the front door. My stepsister Jackie, in a schizophrenia-fueled rage, had picked up the nearest object and flung it across the room before running off again, as she had so many times before; most likely to hop the train... Hedgehog Tubing: It would be fun to do this to a hedgehog- July 3, 2008 via BuzzFeed! The Pitfalls of Perfectionism by Hara Estroff Marano, Psychology Today- July 1, 2008 So true! Perfectionism seeps into the psyche and creates a pervasive personality style. It keeps people from engaging in challenging experiences; they don't get to discover what they truly like or to create their own identities. Perfectionism reduces playfulness and the assimilation of knowledge; if you're always focused on your own performance and on defending yourself, you can't focus on learning a task. Here's the cosmic thigh-slapper: Because it lowers the ability to take risks,... Momofuku Ko review- July 1, 2008 We dined at Momofuku Ko last night to celebrate our 3-year wedding anniversary (actual date is 77 but trying to get a Momofuku Ko reservation on a specific date is impossible so...) and it was pretty amazing. The dishes were delectably tasty (David Chang seems to have cornered the market on this culinary skill). My favorites were the fluke in buttermilk and poppy seeds, the split pea soup with crawfish and mushroom, the soft-boiled egg with caviar and chips and the short ribs. While the... The 11 Best Foods You Arent Eating- July 1, 2008 It's too bad I detest the foods listed in s 1, 3, 7, 8 and 11. via BuzzFeed. |