unpluggedportal NewsWelcome to my Manila site!Sneaky eBay...- (Found July 15, 2008 ) We all know eBay paid too much for Skype. We even expected some nasty changes after the takeover. Well, here's one of them: As of January 18th Skype changed the pricing structure for SkypeOut calls. For more information this subject please see: http:about.skype.com200612 Not that I object to the pricing (actually a connection charge make the cost triple on the 65% of Skype Out calls that are short...). What really irritated me is that I had to find this out on my own. Not once was I warned...http://unpluggedportal.com/2007/10/09#a502 What the f... are you saying- (Found July 15, 2008 ) Today's action is intended to help forestall some of the adverse effects on the broader economy that might otherwise arise from the disruptions in financial markets Man, I'd really like to meet the pushers of those market specialists. Or their scribes at some ragnetwire outfit... Consider the realityalternatives. Extreme prediction: 10% of mortgages are non-prime and dissolve to a value of zero. So what Balance sheets of risk takers dissolve. Properties, for those who cannot meet payments,.http://www.cbc.ca/money/story/2007/09/18/fedcuts.html Re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic- (Found July 15, 2008 ) Yes, the reference to icebergs is pertinent. as this link attests to The northwest passage is open. Hell, the waters above Siberia are open for sailing. Let's run an America's Cup in the Artic! Need one say more, aside from sending an invite for dancing on a volcanohttp://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2007/09/14/northwest-passage-esa.html Marketing Case Study of the Year- (Found July 15, 2008 ) Apple drops price of iPhone 13 after 66 days. (66% of price after 66 days - get it Jobs is waxing on commercial poetic now... End of digression.) But while veryone chews, this person Emmanuel Benoit nailed it: "Apple aims to become the dominant player of casual smartphones, probably the largest and juicest segmet of the phone business". Not business phones, not cheap end. And the kicker is apparently: Apple gets revenue share from AT&T. Palm & Balsillie don't.Will be picked up by all the...http://unpluggedportal.com/2007/09/06#a499 Oh come on...- (Found July 15, 2008 ) When journalists try to stir up a tempest in a teapot... Conrad Black's fall brings dark days for London war memorial Oh.. so Conrad's shennanigans mean the water's dried up for maintenance of a park dedicated to the indiscussible sacrifice of men in the great world wars... Instead it's turned into a children's playground where cries of happinesss drown out the symbolism. So what Had I given my life for freedom, would I not enjoy seeing children playing Or would we prefer handing out...http://unpluggedportal.com/2007/08/09#a498 I am not buying an iPhone- (Found July 15, 2008 ) I am not buying an iPhone I am not buying an iPhone I am not buying an iPhone I am not buying an iPhone I am not buying an iPhone I am not buying an iPhone I am not buying an iPhone I am not buying an iPhone I am not buying an iPhone I am not buying an iPhone I am not buying an iPhone ... and so on. Message clear Motives Many. the product is closed. Take what we're offering, we know best. Why should I stand for this Not true GSM. Apple is thinking global, but they are applying the American..http://unpluggedportal.com/2007/07/03#a497 Victory !- (Found July 15, 2008 ) Texan petrolium company Panther Oil has backed off on drilling in Val di Noto. An area recognised by UNESCO for its heritage - from Antiquity (Noto antica) to the rebuilt in Baroque-style current-day Noto. 10 000 signatures a day in a web-driven petition have beaten back pure commercial interests. Thanks to Panther Oil for seeing clearly in this matter.http://www.repubblica.it/2007/06/sezioni/cronaca/camilleri-noto/vittoria/vittoria.html You Get What You Gambled For- (Found July 15, 2008 ) Two Immams are being released by the Italian Justice System. They have openely haranged Western society and professed violence against it. They have links to Al-Quaeda. They have aided and abetted people and plans of sinister scope. But as politicians need to have a way to protect themselves, they keep writing statute of limitations in order to protect their own dirty doings. Well that's a two-way street & it is coming back to bite them (although not like a whitie would). Why Because the...http://unpluggedportal.com/2007/05/29#a494 |