When Is an Owner Willing to Slash the Price- June 4, 2008 Redfin CEO has a list of "tells" signaling when a home seller is willing to cut a deal.http://www.usnews.com/blogs/the-home-front/2008/6/4/when-is-an-owner-willing-to-slash-the-... 42 Japanese-Americans to Receive Oregon State Honorary Degrees- June 4, 2008 The former students were forced off campus more than 60 years ago.http://www.usnews.com/blogs/paper-trail/2008/6/4/42-japanese-americans-to-receive-oregon-s... Strike: Hillary Clinton as Boston Red Sox Catcher Jason Varitek- June 4, 2008 If baseball card maker Upper Deck had drawn the scene right, Clinton would be the Democratic nominee, not Obama.http://www.usnews.com/blogs/washington-whispers/2008/6/4/strike-hillary-clinton-as-boston-... Blog Buzz: Tuesday's Speeches and Hillary's Future- June 4, 2008 Hillary surprises, Obama is as good as expected, and McCain flopshttp://www.usnews.com/articles/news/2008/6/4/tuesdays-speeches-and-hillarys-future.html?s_... Health Costs After 65: Ouch, Even With Medicare- June 4, 2008 A new study says you might need to pay out several hundred thousand dollars.http://www.usnews.com/blogs/on-health-and-money/2008/6/4/health-costs-after-65-ouch-even-w... Madame Vice President, Hillary Clinton- June 4, 2008 Picking her for veep may not be a good move for Obama, but he should add a few of her ideas.http://www.usnews.com/blogs/capital-commerce/2008/6/4/madame-vice-president-hillary-clinto... Dude, Where's My Recession- June 4, 2008 More economic reports show the economy continued to slowly expand.http://www.usnews.com/blogs/capital-commerce/2008/6/4/dude-wheres-my-recession.html?s_cid=... Diet Advice From the Hungry Girl- June 4, 2008 Lisa Lillien tells me how she deals with hunger and shares some favorite cooking secrets.http://www.usnews.com/blogs/on-women/2008/6/4/diet-advice-from-the-hungry-girl.html?s_cid=... The 10 Most Common Jobs for Older Workers- June 4, 2008 Senior citizens are likely to be working in retail.http://www.usnews.com/blogs/planning-to-retire/2008/6/4/the-10-most-common-jobs-for-older-... Democratic Party Needs to Heal and Unite to Beat McCain- June 4, 2008 With Clinton still in the race, party leaders are searching to unify the party behind Obama.http://www.usnews.com/articles/news/campaign-2008/2008/6/4/democratic-party-needs-to-heal-... |