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Feed items 11 - 20 of 20 for June 2008

Swanksalot's Orchestra and Solipsism

Swanksalot's Orchestra and Solipsism -

On Strike - June 11, 2008

http:progressillinois.com20080611featureswalk-the-line On Strike, originally uploaded by swanksalot. Poor dudes at the Congress Hotel - they've been on strike for several years.

A Semblance of Peace - June 11, 2008

A Semblance of Peace, originally uploaded by swanksalot. Wells Street ().All apologies to WB Yeats(view large on black www.b12partners.netphotoblogindex.phpshowimage=20 )

Fox Ambushes Bill Moyers - June 8, 2008

but Bill Moyers more than holds his own

Do Not Enter My Butt - June 6, 2008

click to embiggen Do Not Enter My Butt, originally uploaded by swanksalot. Wrong (way).Totally stole this from Joe M500's looks like a slightly different location.

Camping on the Glacier with walking wounded - June 5, 2008

Camping on the Glacier with walking wounded, originally uploaded by swanksalot. I've still been able to get around, even with my home-made cast (flew over my bike handlebars, damaged elbows and wrists, details at my blog www.b12partners.netwp20080531bicycle-accident )Original image

United Social Fishing and Hunting - June 3, 2008

United Social Fishing and Hunting, originally uploaded by swanksalot. crappy shot from a car window, but what do you think they talk about in this private club

Elbow Recovering Nicely - June 2, 2008

I am able to move my elbow more fluidly than yesterday (still has less than 48 hours since I became intimate with asphalt in the West Loop), can nearly fully extend my arm, and can bend it toward my body almost enough to reach my mouth. Strange how the temporary loss of a body part gives one pause: how do returning Iraq War vets manage with the permanent loss of a limb Simple things, like using shampoo, become more complicated when you only have use of one hand. Shampoo bottle needs to be...

Numb-WHAT! - June 2, 2008

Shadow Juggler - June 1, 2008

Shadow Juggler, originally uploaded by swanksalot. I can only juggle two orbs at once though, still learning. Could do a better job with a tripod, but oh well.

Bicycle Accident Today - June 1, 2008

Today, I took a bike ride west on Fulton, enjoying the splendid weather. Made it nearly as far as Damen when a potholecavern impeded my progress.I swerved to avoid the hole (which was as wide as the entire westbound lane), but suddenly noticed a Ford Explorer directly behind me. Slammed on my brakes, and did a stoppie: ie, my front tire stopped first, and I was thrown over my handlebars to the pavement. Luckily was wearing bike gloves, so my hands were not shredded (though my gloves were). The..
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