Happy Campers- July 13, 2008 Some of my friends camped out to be the first to get the new iPhone and I realized I'm one of the only people I know in my age cohort who has never camped out for anything. Most others have camped out at one time or another for concert tickets or for a movie. Am I alone What was worth camping out (or not) to you...http://www.unfogged.com/archives/week_2008_07_13.html#009001 Worthy- July 13, 2008 I have a bag of the most beautiful tart cherries I've ever seen in my life, fresh from the farm. Seriously -- they're right off the tree and they're glowing almost like a maraschino, but with a nice little bite. I'm not sure I have enough for a pie. What should I do with them If I'm going to pit them all by hand, it needs to be incredible....http://www.unfogged.com/archives/week_2008_07_06.html#009000 Shameful confessions- July 11, 2008 Which is creepier: liking a Hannah Montana song de dicto Or de re...http://www.unfogged.com/archives/week_2008_07_06.html#008999 Vampire Weekend- July 11, 2008 While I love you all and you're generally helpful for blegs, I've learned not to ask your advice on books. Whenever I ask you for really trashy escapist beach reading or the like, you reply with something unhelpful like "Well, right now I'm re-reading all of Nabokov in the original Russian but when I want to relax with something light and breezy I break out some Proust." I'm here to teach you what a trashy awesome beach read is: Young Adult Vampire Fiction. Specifically, Twilight. Now, if I...http://www.unfogged.com/archives/week_2008_07_06.html#008998 By Popular Request- July 11, 2008 I am nothing if not the people's blogger. Here, via comments and at the demand of the inimitable Witt, is a study: "Inequality in Emotional Involvement in Romantic Relationships". No one get hurt, mkay...http://www.unfogged.com/archives/week_2008_07_06.html#008997 |