Today's Nigerian Home of Nigerian Artists on the InternetMichael Chuchu Igwe- (Found June 24, 2008 ) MICHAEL CHUCHU IGWE was born in 1972. Orits Williki- (Found June 24, 2008 ) ORITS WILLIKI, a front line Reggae Musician cum social crusader, whose Natural and Professional calling has been music, which he uses as a veritable tool in the pursuit of a philosophy that revolves around use of Non - Violence (Music) in curbing the ills of our society. Joseph Nnamani AKA Stranger- (Found June 24, 2008 ) My name is Joseph Aniagu Nnamani. Trybesmen- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Trybesmen: the hottest, illest, and most prolific emcees from the wild streets of Lagos, Nigeria. Dan Maraya- (Found June 24, 2008 ) Born in 1946 in Bukuru, Jos, Plateau State of Nigeria and named Adamu Wayya, Dan Maraya (little orphan), lost his father, Mallam Wayya, a court musician and his mother in quick successions. |