Two Rivers NewsLocal news for Two Rivers, WI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Two Rivers faces some taxing numbers- July 6, 2008 At its June monthly work session, the Two Rivers City Council began discussing the city tax rate for the 2009 budget. Lester Library announces July activities- July 6, 2008 Lester Public Library has announced the following activities coming up in July: In addition to the library's reading program, young people also can participate in Fang's Club. Patriotic picnic: Community turns out for traditional July Fourth celebration- July 5, 2008 MANITOWOC - As a true testament to his favorite holiday, Justin Nickels wore red, white and blue on Friday. Area to celebrate Fourth with food, music, fireworks- July 4, 2008 Those looking for something to do this Fourth of July once again can celebrate the red, white and blue without leaving the Lakeshore area. Two Rivers Pigeon Racing Club- July 2, 2008 The Two Rivers Pigeon Racing Club and Sheboygan Pigeon Racing Club met Thursday, June 19 just outside of Mishicot in preparation for a pair of 400 and 500 mile races based out of Minnesota and South Dakota. Boy grateful Coast Guard rescued him- July 1, 2008 John Taggart, United States Coast Guard engineering petty officer, was working in his office on Monday, which overlooks the mouth of the West and East Twin rivers near Lake Michigan, when he heard screams ... Pigeon racing lives on with Two Rivers club- July 1, 2008 TWO RIVERS - Homing pigeons were an integral part of communication during World War I and World War II and while technology has removed these birds from the front lines for the most part, the unique ability of ... Amateur Baseball: Bandits hammer out another victory; Two Rivers falls to Algoma- July 1, 2008 SHEBOYGAN - The Manitowoc Bandits offense continued to pour in the runs on Tuesday night. EWC Baseball: Plymouth sweeps twinbill from Two Rivers- July 1, 2008 Strong pitching performances from Adam Starnicky and Zach Suchon were too much for Two Rivers as the Raiders dropped an Eastern Wisconsin Conference twinbill decision. |