The Warrior Of Light- June 14, 2008 May 2008 From the romantic 1960s to the hi-tech twenty-first century, Paulo Coelho masters the art of whispering to the heartBy Mohamed ShadyAlthough Paulo Coelho is the author of one of the most popular novels of the last few decades, he is no conformist. His most celebrated book, The Alchemist, inspired by Coelhos pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostella in northern Spain, explores the spiritualism of dreams and symbols. Although The Guardian accuses the author of pandering to the lowest common.. Christian Theologians Prepare for Extraterrestrial Life- June 14, 2008 By Brandon Keim 06.13.08Little green men might shock the secular public. But the Catholic Church would welcome them as brothers.That's what Vatican chief astronomer and papal science adviser Gabriel Funes explained in a recent article in L'Osservatore Romano, the newsletter of the Vatican Observatory (translated here). His conclusion might surprise nonbelievers. After all, isn't this the same church that imprisoned Galileo for saying that the Earth revolves around the sun Doesn't the Bible say. In religion, ignorance is not necessarily bliss- June 14, 2008 Dennis RobertsPublished: June 13, 2008Some of us may chuckle when we read about a poll or survey that indicates how Americans seem to know very little about religion.We hear that 10 percent of Americans think that Joan of Arc was Noahs wife or Moses went to Mount Cyanide to get the 10 Commandments (which, of course, most cannot name) or the epistles were the wives of the apostles or that most Americans cannot name the first book of the Bible.Religious illiteracy makes it difficult for many if.. Set Free By Truth- June 12, 2008 2008 MayJune 2008Ayaan Hirsi Ali is the controversial author of Infidel, her improbable but true autobiography. A Somali-born Muslim woman, she became a member of the Dutch Parliament. As the title of her book implies, after growing up in a world that condones the physical abuse of women, practices honor killing, female genital mutilation, and often marries women against their will, she ends up rejecting Islam as inherently oppressive to women. As a result, she is living under the constant... Religion Necessary to Survive Our Century- June 12, 2008 Published: June 03, 2008 Religion Necessary to Survive Our CenturyBy Krzys WasilewskiFormer British Prime Minister Tony Blair unveiled last Saturday that uniting the world's three largest religions will be his lifetime goal. Blair, who once said that God would be his judge on Iraq, launched a foundation that will work towards the peaceful coexistence of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.Although while premier Tony Blair urged British politicians not to perform American-style "chest beating," now. "Spiritual Evolution" by George Vaillant - Book Review- June 12, 2008 June 10, 2008 at 06:40:18by Senia Maymin Here is what will happen to you when you read George Vaillants book Spiritual Evolution: During the chapter Joy, you may cry as you feel Joy. During the chapter Love, you will want to call home to say Hi. You will be pulled in by personal stories from the Study of Adult Development, and how these men have come around to positive emotions and spirituality. In Spiritual Evolution, Vaillant makes the case that positive emotions are not just... The Surprising Spirituality of SETI- June 10, 2008 By Brandon Keim June 09, 2008 There's a surprising amount of overlap between seekers of extraterrestrial life and seekers of God.Not that the folks at SETI are actually hoping to detect the deep-space transmissions of a bearded deity from SGR 1900+14, handing them off to Vatican astronomers for inscription on silicon tablets. Far from it. But in my reporting for an article on the religious implications of finding extraterrestrial intelligence, I noticed that much research was produced in... Institute Poll Shows Americans Oppose Pulpit Partisanship- June 10, 2008 June 9th 2008Faith will continue to play a significant role in the political landscape through this years election.Today the Paul B. Henry Institute for the Study of Christianity and Politics released its National Survey on Religion and Public Life. The poll gauged the attitudes of 3,002 Americans, belonging to 18 different religious groupings, about their political attitudes, affiliations and preferences.The conclusions of the national survey were largely unsurprising. Faith will continue to... A Matter Of Belief or Evidence- June 10, 2008 By January W. PayneSpecial to The Washington PostTuesday, June 10, 2008Page one of two: Please click on external source for complete articleAn integral part of many people's lives, religion defines patterns of worship and socialization, but its impact, if any, on health is unclear. Some studies show a benefit to religious practice, while others -- including much of the research into prayer -- fail to prove its health value. The question of the role something as unquantifiable as religious... Survey of Indian Scientists Attitudes toward Religion, Ethics and Society- June 9, 2008 The Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society and Culture (ISSSC) at Trinity College in Hartford, CT, recently released the first in a series of ground-breaking sociological studies entitled Worldviews and Opinions of Scientists. Each of the studies explores the opinions of science professionals in non-Western societies. The first report focuses on the views and attitudes of scientists in India. Subsequent studies will explore the opinions of science professionals in countries such as... |