About Tattoos / Body PiercingsTattoos / Body PiercingsQOW: Tattoo or Golf- June 28, 2008 Question: "I am due to get a new half sleeve tattoo tomorrow morning but am playing golf on Sunday and Monday; am I ok to still play or shall I...http://tattoo.about.com/b/2008/06/28/qow-tattoo-or-golf.htm Forum Discussion - Smudged Tattoo- June 28, 2008 "Got my tattoo 3 days ago, healing process is fine but today I've noticed that around some edges and corners ink has staind my skin almost as if it has...http://tattoo.about.com/b/2008/06/28/forum-discussion-smudged-tattoo.htm In the News - Rapist Tattooed Teen- June 28, 2008 Convicted Rapist Charged with Tattooing MinorAs if you didn't have enough reasons not to get tattooed by someone not working out of a professional studio, here's another - what do...http://tattoo.about.com/b/2008/06/28/in-the-news-rapist-tattooed-teen.htm |