The Woodlands NewsLocal news for The Woodlands, TX continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Mother recalls little from SUV rollover killing toddler- July 4, 2008 Vanessa Beier has trouble recalling many of the details of last month's rollover accident that left her and her 15-month-old daughter trapped under the family's sport utility vehicle. 23.JUN.08 Sunmart Parent Corp Charged In Tossing Info- July 3, 2008 The Texas Attorney General's office filed a suit in Houston District Court against Petroleum Wholesale, L.P., that alleges the company threw out records that could expose its customers' identities to theft. On the driving range in The Woodlands- July 1, 2008 Several years ago, during the early part of the final round of the U.S. Women's Open, I was hitting balls at the driving range of the Player Course here in The Woodlands. CB&I inks $90 million refinery deal- July 1, 2008 Chicago Bridge & Iron has been awarded a contract for a large-scale hydrogen plant for a California refinery. |