The All-New All-Different Howling CurmudgeonsTwo-Fisted Comics Commentary and CriticismIn Which I Am Sarcastic- June 24, 2008 Marvel's planned Avengers film lineup: Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Ant-Man and Iron Man. Half of the world's population had no comment, as they were busy trying to get out of the refrigerator. You are also reminded that if you see... The Knight Life- June 24, 2008 FYI, Keith Knight of The K Chronicles apparently has a new daily strip, The Knight Life, being syndicated at It started on May 5th.... The- June 24, 2008 Ah, yeah. Just in case you weren't aware of the absurdity of the polychromatic Lantern Corps, I will go ahead and mention two things.... Convention Season- June 23, 2008 No, this isn't an announcement for the next Curmudgeons Con. The June CC had some logistical and scheduling issues, so we weren't sure whether we were going to keep it on our normal second Saturday of the month or reschedule... Comics I read- June 23, 2008 Quite a stack this week (though, to be fair, it also includes last week's books), so let's dive right in.... Crisis at 1700 Broadway- June 23, 2008 Prominent hollywood blogger Nikki Finke is reporting that the Powers That Be at Time Warner are none too happy with what's going on at DC Comics. Will Dan DiDio be out of a job by San Diego Nikki suggests he... Stuck in the Middle with You- June 19, 2008 So, anyway, The Middleman premiered Monday night. There is ample promotional material out on the web for you to get a sense of its convoluted pre-production history and what it is and what it's about, or you can read the... Comics I read last week- June 10, 2008 Have you been to your local comic book shop this week I have! And here's what I bought:... Sunday Song Lyric- June 10, 2008 Once again, I'm a day late with this post. I have a really good excuse. I was listening to the new Weezer album over and over and over.... A Point or Five About Lagrange- June 8, 2008 It's kind of a shame that comic book writers often do such a half-assed job of research for their pseudoscience. From Final Crisis 1: So if you know a little bit about astronomy, the only sensible response to the Guardian's... |