Tifton NewsLocal news for Tifton, GA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Community needs to pull together- July 12, 2008 Again I am amazed at what the residents of Tifton Rant about, trivial, meaningless nonsense.http://www.topix.net/city/tifton-ga/2008/07/community-needs-to-pull-together?fromrss=1 Red Cross short on blood supply- July 12, 2008 All of the American Red Cross blood drives in the southern region fell short of their blood donation goals last month, and Theresa Guess, the donor recruitment representative, said the Red Cross is making a ...http://www.topix.net/city/tifton-ga/2008/07/red-cross-short-on-blood-supply?fromrss=1 Possible recycling facility discussed for Tifton- July 12, 2008 Leaders of the City of Tifton, Tift County and the Chamber of Commerce met with representatives of Pratt Recycling Thursday at the Georgia Agrirama to discuss the possibility of a partnership that would ...http://www.topix.net/city/tifton-ga/2008/07/possible-recycling-facility-discussed-for-tift... Rant and Rave for July11, 2008- July 11, 2008 "The speed limit on any state highway that is not posted is 55 mph. That information is in most driving test manuals.http://www.topix.net/city/tifton-ga/2008/07/rant-and-rave-for-july11-2008?fromrss=1 Rant and Rave for July 10, 2008- July 11, 2008 "'True Republican" writes as though 'Republican' is a religion. It is not! It is a political party and the sooner we get someone in office who understands that the better!" Speed limit "Does anyone know the ...http://www.topix.net/city/tifton-ga/2008/07/rant-and-rave-for-july-10-2008?fromrss=1 Citizens' group asks for increased minority hiring- July 10, 2008 The Rev. Samuel Pridgon brought 13 concerns dealing with minorities to Tift County Board of Education members Tuesday night on behalf of the Concerned Citizens Committee .http://www.topix.net/city/tifton-ga/2008/07/citizens-group-asks-for-increased-minority-hir... Police Reports for July 10, 2008- July 10, 2008 Charges against Adrienne Nicole Williams, 23, 2800 N. Tift Ave., were printed incorrectly in the Local Police Report that ran in Wednesday's Tifton Gazette.http://www.topix.net/city/tifton-ga/2008/07/police-reports-for-july-10-2008?fromrss=1 'Loop the Lake' 5K run to benefit women's programs- July 10, 2008 The 2008 Lake Blackshear "Loop the Lake" 5K run and one-mile walk benefiting Ruth's Cottage and GraceWay Recovery Residence will be held on Saturday, July 19 at Georgia Veterans State Park.http://www.topix.net/city/tifton-ga/2008/07/loop-the-lake-5k-run-to-benefit-womens-program... Officers honored for service- July 9, 2008 Two Tifton police officers were honored Monday night at the Tifton City Council's workshop session for their service under harrowing conditions.http://www.topix.net/city/tifton-ga/2008/07/officers-honored-for-service?fromrss=1 Car show becomes unlawful assembly- July 9, 2008 Deputies responding to a loud music disturbance call at the American Legion Fairgrounds the night of July 4 discovered that private security had not shown up for the fourth annual Auto and Bike Festival, ...http://www.topix.net/city/tifton-ga/2008/07/car-show-becomes-unlawful-assembly?fromrss=1 |