Wallace NewsLocal news for Wallace, LA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Jindal cuts the tape on La. 3213 extension- June 22, 2008 After years of planning and postponements because of financial constraints, Gov.http://www.topix.net/city/wallace-la/2008/06/jindal-cuts-the-tape-on-la-3213-extension?fro... New road helps west bankers evacuate- June 20, 2008 Just in time for hurricane season, transportation officials will open a road extension in St.http://www.topix.net/city/wallace-la/2008/06/new-road-helps-west-bankers-evacuate?fromrss=... Jindal: still no veto- June 18, 2008 Despite public outcry against state lawmakers voting to double their own salaries, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal today is holding steady to his promise to not veto the bill.http://www.topix.net/city/wallace-la/2008/06/jindal-still-no-veto?fromrss=1 |