Watertown NewsLocal news for Watertown, MA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.The man accused of stabbing to death his accomplice in a fish market...- July 1, 2008 Steven Raftery and his alleged murderer were connected by more than just the crime.http://www.topix.net/city/watertown-ma/2008/07/the-man-accused-of-stabbing-to-death-his-ac... Owner leaves condemned Watertown house- July 1, 2008 It took several days longer than expected, but owner Basia Dziewanowski has moved out of her condemned home at 41 Katherine Road in Watertown.http://www.topix.net/city/watertown-ma/2008/07/owner-leaves-condemned-watertown-house?from... Library Intern - Armenian Library & Museum of America, Watertown, MA- July 1, 2008 The Armenian Library and Museum of America seeks an intern to assist with the ongoing development and maintenance of the Library collection.http://www.topix.net/city/watertown-ma/2008/06/library-intern-armenian-library-museum-of-a... |