Statesville NewsLocal news for Statesville, NC continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.I-SS putting digital cameras on buses- July 7, 2008 The Iredell-Statesville Schools Transportation Department has begun installing cameras into the district's school bus fleet. Mother tackles alleged peeping Tom in Wal-Mart- July 5, 2008 A Statesville mom is being praised by local parents and police after taking quick and aggressive action that helped send an alleged peeping Tom to jail. Would public transit benefit the city- July 3, 2008 At any given time, there is not likely to be more than one transit bus in operation in all of Iredell County. Make your Fourth a blast, not a bust, by following safety guides- July 3, 2008 Last year, Casey Lewis set off her first firework. The 13-year-old remembers the thrill of it going off, but she's not sure if she'll light more than one this year. Lake Norman Children's Relief provides medical care for Afghan youth- July 2, 2008 Zaman, a 16-year-old Afghanistan native, can now look toward a healthier future because of the help of a local organization. Police Department looking for suspect- July 2, 2008 Statesville police are looking for the man who took advantage of another customer's inattention and withdrew $200 from his account. Sara Haire Tice made presence felt in Iredell County politics- July 1, 2008 Early this spring, Sara Haire Tice side-stepped her usual seat in the conference room at the Iredell County Government Center and settled into a familiar seat in front of the county commission gavel. MCC's William Findt accepts job in Dublin, N.C.- July 1, 2008 After nearly 20 years of being a staple at Mitchell Community College and equally within the Statesville community, William Findt is moving on. Gas prices will force many to stay close to home Fourth of July Weekend- July 1, 2008 Like many Iredell residents, Jesse Lynch has some strong feelings about the price of gas. |