Yahoo! News: OpinionOpinionAmerican Image Alright in Asia ( June 23, 2008 - The conventional wisdom holds that the image of America in Asia today is mostly negative. Not so, says a survey published this week, at least in China, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and Indonesia. Moreover, in perhaps surprising contrast, the survey said China does not fare well among other Asians.* REDUNDANCY GOOD, REDUNDANCY BAD (James Kilpatrick)- June 23, 2008 James Kilpatrick - In the world of fine arts, every creator must grapple every day with the same question: How much is too much How much is not enough* VICE PRESIDENTIAL CHOICE IS NOT ALWAYS ABOUT BALANCE (David Shribman)- June 22, 2008 David Shribman - With the nomination fights over but the conventions not yet called to order, political attention naturally falls on a post that, in most administrations, gets no attention whatsoever.* CONTRACTS FOR BIG OIL IN IRAQ CONFIRM EARLIER SUSPICIONS (Cynthia Tucker)- June 22, 2008 Cynthia Tucker - Didn't you just know this was coming* WELCOME TO BRITAIN'S BRAVE NEW WORLD (Richard Reeves)- June 20, 2008 Richard Reeves - LONDON -- A prominent, aggressive and ambitious Conservative politician here, David Davis, recently resigned his seat in Parliament to protest a House of Commons vote extending the time a citizen can be held in jail without charges from 28 to 42 days. A national newspaper poll says 57 percent of respondents support his crusade, but they are almost certainly not telling the truth about that.* IS GAY MARRIAGE INEVITABLE (Maggie Gallagher)- June 20, 2008 Maggie Gallagher - What's all the fuss about* SUCCESS OF E.U. SHOULD NOT REST WITH IRELAND'S VOTERS (Georgie Anne Geyer)- June 20, 2008 Georgie Anne Geyer - WASHINGTON -- The Irish went overnight from being the pride and joy of the European Union to being the bad boy of Europe -- and with good reason. I fear they are going to wake up after their present intoxication of self-assertion and realize that Mother Europe is not only not pleased, but might actually DO something about her displeasure.* JUSTICE KENNEDY: AMERICAN IDLE (Ann Coulter)- June 20, 2008 Ann Coulter - After reading Justice Anthony Kennedy's recent majority opinion in Boumediene v. Bush, I feel like I need to install a "1984"-style Big Brother camera in my home so Justice Kennedy can keep an eye on everything I do.* Mother's Milk & Asymmetrical War ( June 20, 2008 - If there's a Holy Grail of conventional wisdom in politics, it is the saying that money is the mother's milk. Rick Klein pens a tour de force to that effect this morning on Obama's looming cash advantage against McCain, replete with expert quotes about how Obama will be able to "dictate the terms of this election," be "the aggressor," "freeze the race," and "spend McCain into oblivion."* It's Not Race, It's Arugula (The Weekly Standard)- June 20, 2008 The Weekly Standard - On the way to his rendezvous with destiny, Barack Obama consistently lost white voters, especially of the middle and working classes, to Hillary Clinton--voters variously known as Appalachians or Reagan Democrats, rural voters and white ethnics in the industrial states.* |