A Fine Idea at the TimeNow, it's a Brilliant Mistake?HOLY SHIT!!!- June 19, 2005 BIDEN JUST SAID HE'S SEEKING THE NOMINATION FOR PRESIDENT ON FACE THE NATION!! In other news...I just got a neat banner from the Casey campaign that I'm going to add to the actually layout of the site.. but I'm too...http://chrissmari.org/archives/000094.html Why this blog has become even MORE boring than before!!- June 19, 2005 Since about... Jan or Feb or somewhere around there (), I've been doing a lot of volunteer work with the Delaware County Democratic Party and the county young democrats. Drama for your Mama and such. So.. I'm not writing much...http://chrissmari.org/archives/000093.html Vague Livejournal Type Entry- June 16, 2005 Politics Stink....http://chrissmari.org/archives/000092.html Everyone must read this!- June 14, 2005 The American Expatriate "America is often portrayed as an ignorant, unsophisticated sort of place, full of bible bashers and ruled to a dangerous extent by trashy television, superstition and religious bigotry, a place lacking in respect for evidence based...http://chrissmari.org/archives/000091.html Texas Gov to Gays: We don't want your type round here!- June 8, 2005 Local NBC Anchor: "Among the protesters were gay veterans and their partners. We asked the governor about his take on gay veterans, many of whom may one day have fewer rights than everyone else." Rick Perry: "Texans made a decision...http://chrissmari.org/archives/000090.html omg letter from Barbara Hafer- June 7, 2005 Dear , A few months ago, I made the decision not to run for the United States Senate. As many of you know, it was a difficult decision, but despite being very interested in serving the people of this Commonwealth...http://chrissmari.org/archives/000089.html NJ DemCorzine Primary Day Party- June 7, 2005 Dear Christina, While there is a lot to celebrate about the way Jon Corzine has run this campaign so far, offering vision and ideas, the road is about to get much tougher. After the primary tomorrow, the Republicans are likely...http://chrissmari.org/archives/000088.html Now's your chance!- June 7, 2005 A campaign I'm working on is taking on interns. Description Below......http://chrissmari.org/archives/000087.html Get Em While They're Young!- June 6, 2005 Springfield is the township in Delaware County with the lowest Democratic Registration. The republican party does things like this to reward Springfield for their loyalty. Representing the Springfield Republican Party, Charles Sexton and Pennsylvania House Representative William Adolph, presented 10...http://chrissmari.org/archives/000086.html |