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Feed items 1 - 10 of 15 for July 2008

The 19th Floor

Mark Siegel's Desperate Plea for Attention

Enjoying The Amenities - July 18, 2008

My building has a pool located on the common deck. However, the building's designers decided it would be a good idea to install a flight of stairs leading up to it. So after six years of living here, I'd never actually seen said pool. But I finally made my way up there a few days ago with some choreographed assistance. And the rumors are true: there's actually a pool up there with a great view of the city. If I venture there again, I might even be so bold as to dip my foot in the water.

Handcuffs Sold Separately - July 18, 2008

A new version of the Barbie doll is arriving on storeshelves in September. The doll is clad in leather and...fishnet stockings. I want to go on record as saying I had nothing to do with this idea. As far as I'm concerned, fishnets should only be worn by living, breathing adult women. I don't appreciate some toy company appropriating my fetish and marketing it to grade-schoolers.

Keep Your Enemies Closer - July 17, 2008

Rumor has it that famed physicist and, more importantly, personal archnemesis Stephen Hawking is considering a move to Canada. Excellent. Now, I won't have to travel as far to appear at our joint press conference announcing the official date for our forthcoming zero-gravity deathmatch. And I hear that Canadian living makes one soft, which should only improve my odds with the Vegas bookies.

Tales From The Runway - July 16, 2008

The BBC is currently running a reality series called Britain's Missing Top Model, in which eight women with disabilities compete for a modeling contract. I can't judge the series on its content because I'm on the wrong side of the pond and can't watch the on-line episodes. It's no surprise that all of the contestants are quite pretty and telegenic. After all, this is television. While the show's concept strikes me as incredibly cheesy, but it's difficult for me to judge whether it strays into...

Move Along, Nothing To See Here - July 15, 2008

Jesse Ventura has just announced that he will not be running for Senator this fall. I'm quite grateful for this news, not because I thought he would help or hurt any of the other candidates, but because this election will be enough of a circus without Jesse bringing his special brand of charm to the proceedings. I actually feel some sympathy for Ventura. He was a mediocre governor, but he had a few good ideas (light rail being one of them). The impression he gives in recent interviews is of a...

Framing The Issue - July 14, 2008

A recent survey commissioned by Disaboom (sorry, but the name just make me cringe) finds that 52% of Americans would rather be dead than severely disabled. The survey also reveals that individuals with higher levels of income or education are more likely to prefer death over disability. Unsurprisingly, older people are likely to be more accepting of a severe disability than younger people. The only thing that surprises me about these results is that the percentage of respondents favoring death..

Not Enough Gort - July 13, 2008

Having just watched the trailer for the remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still, I'm filled with uncertain curiosity. The original is one of my favorite classic science fiction films, mostly because it tells a good story and Michael Rennie plays Klaatu with such elegant charm. When I think of Keanu Reeves, the word "charming" doesn't come to immediately to mind. Sure, it's fun to watch football stadiums get obliterated and giant spaceships emerge from the water, but I also remember what Tim...

Unstructured Playtime - July 12, 2008

Say you're home alone on a stormy Friday night, sitting in front of your computer and searching for a few minutes of distraction. If you have an artistic bent, you might enjoy this digital sandbox game. You can manipulate pixels of colored "sand" to create your own mandala or whatever else strikes your fancy. And when you're done creating your masterpiece, you can be all Zen and erase it with a single keystroke. My own creation looks like something created by a monkey with slightly...

A Taste Of Home - July 11, 2008

After work today, I met my former boss for drinks at a new place in northeast Minneapolis called Red Stag. The restaurant is a hip update of the cozy supper clubs that you find in small towns across the Upper Midwest. The interior decor has a North Woods feel with exposed rafters and earthy tones, but I don't think you'll find many traditional supper clubs that feature a cucumber-and-melon martini on their menus. You also won't find many other supper clubs that are LEED-certified as a...

Pressing The Flesh - July 9, 2008

The general election campaign season is upon us and I'm on the prowl for photo ops. Like this one: This is Democratic Senate candidate Al Franken and the back of my head at a Franken rally that I stumbled upon earlier today in downtown St. Paul. A colleague of mine, who knows my political groupie tendencies, asked me, "How did you get so close to him Did you tell him you're dying"I replied, "No, I think he just assumed it."
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- July (15 items)
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